Frequently Asked Questions

  • Homestead Exemption

    Q: How do I go about filing for homestead?

    A: Follow the link provided below to be redirected to the Citrus County Property Appraisers website where you can file online or find directions to file in-person.

  • Recommendations

    Q: Where can I find reliable, recommended vendors and companies?

    A: Follow the link provided below to be redirected to our growing list of Trusted Vendors in the area.

  • Looking to Sell

    Q: I would like to sell and am curious about the approximate value of my home, where could I find this information?

    A: Follow the link provided below so that we could provide you with a better idea of an estimated home value.

  • Looking to Buy

    Q: I have specific features that I am looking for in a new home and would like help finding homes that match my criteria.

    A: Follow the link below for an online form to help us help you. You can always reach out to us as well!

  • Trusted Inspectors

    Q: Who are some trusted inspectors for not only home inspections, but also pool and pest inspections?

    A: Follow the link below to be redirected to our growing list of Trusted Inspectors in the area.

  • Portability

    Q: What is portability?

    A: Portability is the concept of transferring our SOH savings from your old homestead to another.

have a question?

If you didn’t find the answer to your question in any of the FAQs listed above, send it our way and we will be happy to get back to you!