meet TRACY
Tracy Collins is from Cedar Key, Fl. Tracy is a 4th generation Cedar Key Native. Tracy grew up in a family of commercial fishermen (and women) and spent much of his youth involved as a "waterman" in the Cedar Key area early on as a commercial fisherman and has been a fishing charter captain since 1992 and still does so today operating Saltwater Outlaw Fishing. In the mid 1990's he decided he needed a "real job" and became a firefighter/paramedic and was employed by the City of Ocala Fire Rescue until retiring in the spring of 2022 after nearly 25 years.
At the encouragement of his wife Shelley and sister in law Katie, he felt it was time for a new endeavor and became a real estate agent. He has natural ability to effectively communicate and connect with people. He has deep ties with Cedar Key and Levy County in general. Tracy has been married to Shelley for nearly 21 years.
Interesting facts.
Favorite Restaurant(s): Steamers (Cedar Key)
Hobbies: Fishing (surprised?) and just about anything else on the water, Travel and just exploring in general
Favorite Sports Team(s): Florida Gators, Atlanta Braves
Favorite Quote(s):"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway" - John Wayne
"If I'd have asked the people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses" - Henry Ford
"Even if your on the right track, you'll get run over if you don't move" - Will Rogers